CC License

FINNISH WAY: Self-evaluation, after the course made in Oulu, Finland (LA4)

 How to self-evaluate

Self-evaluation is a process that everyone should strive to complete. Sometimes, it can be for a manager or performed at the company’s request, while other times, it can also be helpful to simply go through this process as a student. A self-evaluation is a useful tool to understand where strengths and weaknesses are.  The deeper the self-evaluation is, the more beneficial it will be in a workplace, study place or personal setting.

My self-evaluation

Below I introduce my own self-evaluation example, related to what I have learnt during the course in Finland, at Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OAMK)

During my course at OAMK - Social Media Opportunities for Work and Leisure + I have learned so many new things connected with blogging…Before the course I had no idea where to start with my potentially great topics of THE FINNISH WAY... During the course, I discovered the ways how to use social media tools, in relation with the blog, I learned about social network analysis, networking and network effect, wisdom of crowds, copywriting, networking, etc.

Creative Commons (CC) - that was the biggest surprise for me. I should have known/heard about it earlier but…hard to admit it: I have never even noticed the six copyright licenses. Nowadays I see them everywhere, even when reading some articles needed for my studies, available in e-library.

I guess I feel now more comfortable when writing the posts in the blog, however I am sure there is still a million of new things which I should learn ;) Well, it's part of Lifelong Learning process - isn't it?

I think I met all the goals I had for the course and I became even creative when writing the social media implementation plan – which I will really going to keep alive :)

I am thankful for the Finnish education and its flexibility which gives a chance to to chose different courses which are interesting for different student. I truly like so many courses available at


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